Grade 6 Community News

Dear families,
Wow, what a Term it has been! Term 2 has had some really exciting events for our students.
In week 8, many of our students had the opportunity to represent our school at the Winter Gala Day and performed exceptionally showcasing all of our school values. Those who stayed at school had an exhilarating day rotating through and playing 5 different sports with some professional coaches.
In week 9, the students participated in a TRPS Year 6 Athletics day; we were blown away by not only the wind but also their athleticism. There was lots of cheering for those in each class and lots of support for those in our colour house.
Just because we didn’t think they had been busy enough some of our classes participated in a STEM incursion: under the microscope incursion for STEM where they were looking at the adaptations of many insects and animals. Those who didn’t do it this week will be completing the incursion in week 11.
In Reading, we are wrapping up our Read 2 Learn unit about Ancient Greece and Rome. Throughout this unit, the students learned what life was like in Ancient Greece, comparing and contrasting Athenians and Spartans, learning about the original Olympic Games, the Persian Wars, Greek philosophers and even some Greek Myths!
In Writing, we are revising, editing and publishing our historical narratives. The students have put in some tremendous work to create pieces from the point of view of a Spartan or an Athenian that included relevant historical facts and characters, but that were also original and creative in their storytelling.
In Maths, we are wrapping up our unit on decimals and percentages. The students have learned how to apply the four operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing) with decimals. They have also linked their knowledge of decimals to a previous unit: fractions, and learned how fractions, decimals and percentages are all connected.
Our Vocabulary Words are taken from our Read 2 Learn lessons to expand the children’s knowledge of Ancient Greece as well as to provide them with useful words to use in their historical narratives.
Week 10 | Phenomena | Orator | Statesman | Architect | Sophist |
The last day of Term 2 is on the 28th of June and will be an early finish at 2:30pm.
Coming up
In term 3 we will have swimming! Some classes will be attending in week 1 and some in week 4 please make sure you have given consent and made payment by June 27th.
We hope you all enjoy the final week of school and then the school holidays.
The Year 6 Team