Grade 5 Community News

Dear Grade 5 families,
What an amazing start to week 9 and 10! The students gave everything a red hot go at the athletics carnival and had a blast. With only a few weeks left of term 2, we still have lots of fun learning to do.
Reading Reconsidered
Students have begun their journey into the Maya, Aztec and Inca civilisations. They have learnt about the Maya, achievements, beliefs and how their extinction is still a mystery today. During week 10 we will learn about the extinction of the Aztec and why their civilisation was so successful.
Students have been working on their note-taking skills to incorporate into their SPOs (single paragraph outlines) when creating explanation texts. We have been including a topic sentence, supporting ideas and a concluding sentence in our SPOs to then go onto expanding these into complete paragraphs. Students have also been learning how to write thesis statements for their work. It’s been fantastic to see the hard work and planning turn into completed pieces of writing and the children have been feeling really proud of themselves and their efforts.
During Economics, we have been completing different lessons and activities in preparation for our upcoming incursion. Students have had the opportunity to collaborate with their peers to brainstorm, create and innovate business and product ideas. They have been planning their very own pitch presentations to present their idea, discuss how it works, why it is needed and why they feel their product is the best. We have seen some very creative problem solving!
The Mass, Volume and Capacity unit is now finished. The students have enjoyed the hands-on materials for this unit and putting their new knowledge to real world scenarios and situations. We will now be learning to measure length, area and perimeter using scaled objects.
Students have been learning 5 new words each week. They are looking at the definition of the words, synonyms and antonyms for the words, and how to use the words in sentences. The focus of these words is to improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The words we are focusing on during week 10 are:
Cyber Safety Project
Students are learning to create digital reminders to maintain safety when living, learning and playing online. During week 10, the students will be developing skills to evaluate the types of information that can place one's safety, privacy and digital reputation at risk. With the pressure that is on children today in our online world we have to ensure that we keep our students safe.
As the end of Term 2 is very quickly approaching, we are finding that we cannot believe that we are reaching the half-year milestone. It is a time for reflection to celebrate all of the growth and achievements the students have had this year thus far. We are so incredibly proud of our Grade 5 cohort overall and we cannot wait to see them continue to shine and grow for the rest of the school year. We thank you for all of your support!
Kind regards, PLC 5
- The Grade 5 Smoothie Incursion will be held on Tuesday 18th June.
- The last day of Term 2 is Friday 28th June, school will finish at 2:30pm.