Principal's Message

Hello, Tarneit Rise Primary School Community,
Welcome to another edition of ‘Rise and Shine’! We hope everyone has had a lovely fortnight.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to the following children and their families and to the following staff who have joined Tarneit Rise Primary School over the last fortnight:
Prep: Mikaal
Year One: Sven
Year Two: Imran
Year Four: Adam
It is amazing to think that we are nearing the end of Term 2!
A reminder we finish at 2:30pm on Friday 28th June, for our term 2 holidays.
2025 Planning
We have started the early stages of planning for 2025. If you are leaving the area and your child will not be attending Tarneit Rise PS in 2025, or if you plan on transferring your child to one of our neighbouring schools, Wimba, Karwan or the new Riverdale PS (Interim name) you are zoned to, please let the office know so we can plan, using accurate student numbers. This will also support our neighbouring schools with their future planning. Please complete the student exit form by clicking the following link
Bastille Day
Next Term, we celebrate Bastille Day on Friday the 26th of July. Bastille Day, also known as French National Day, is an exciting celebration held on July the 14th every year in France. It commemorates the ‘storming of the Bastille’, the day an angry mob attacked the Bastille, a state prison in Paris because they associated the prison with the harsh rule of the King of France. This attack gave rise to the French Revolution, which forced the king to give up control of the country, leading France to a new era of freedom and equality. Much like in France on this day, at Tarneit Rise Primary School we celebrate with music, laughter, dressing in blue, red and white, and enjoying croissants - a delicious French treat which can be ordered online through TK Tuckshop. Vive la France!
Student Led Conferences
Our Student Led Conferences will be held on Thursday 18th July 2024. This is a chance for you to meet with your child's teacher for 10 minutes to talk about their learning goals and for us to learn more about your child so that we can best meet their learning needs. Interviews will be held from 1:00pm to 6:00pm in your child’s classroom. Students will be dismissed from school at 12:25pm on that day. You will be able to book your interview time from Thursday 20th June 2024 at 4:00pm through Compass. You will be able to make a booking by clicking the ‘Conferences’ button on your Compass homepage or by clicking the Dashboard alert at the top of the Newsfeed. Compass bookings will close on Thursday 18th July at12:00pm. The Compass app will walk you through the booking process but if you have any questions or issues, please contact the school office during regular hours on (03) 7002 6580. If you would like to book your child/children a place at Big Childcare for that afternoon, please call Parul on 0421 156 450.
Join us as we honour the rich cultural heritage, achievements, and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is during the school holidays from July 7 – July 14. Tarneit Rise Primary School will be celebrating NAIDOC Week at the end of Term 2/start of Term 3. Children will be learning about local Aboriginal language and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders during class, as well as creating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander inspired artworks. There will be a free dress day on Friday 28 June where students can wear the colours of the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander flags (black, yellow, red or blue, green, black or white). Students can also enter the school-wide NAIDOC Week poster competition by submitting their work by the end of Term 2. Winner will be announced in Term 3!
The Quaglia Institute
Student voice is important at TRPS as it empowers our children to be engaged and participate with their learning. Next term, TRPS and the Quaglia Institute will continue to offer student voice and parent information sessions via Zoom. These sessions will focus on the work TRPS is doing with the Quaglia institute to foster our students’ voice and aspirations. Keep a look out on the TRPS Instagram and Facebook page for the relevant access links.
School Holidays Fun!
As the term draws to a close, we reflect on what has been another extremely busy and successful Term 2! Our children have participated in numerous extra-curricular activities including excursions, incursions and sporting events! Our children have worked very hard over the term and have earned a well-deserved break! The holidays are a great opportunity for our children to rest and spend valuable time with family and friends. Over the break why not try out some free activities around Melbourne for the family to enjoy. Some of these activities include:
- riding the City Circle Tram
- visiting St. Kilda’s Little Penguins
- story time at your local library
- visiting the RAAF Museum in Point Cook
- taking a walk through the Fitzroy Gardens
- visiting the Queen Victoria market
- having a picnic at The Royal Botanic Gardens
- exploring the Melbourne Town Hall
- playing at St. Kilda’s Adventure Playground
- discovering Pauline Gandel’s Children’s Quarter at the State Library of Victoria
- walking the dog 😊
We wish everyone a safe, happy, and restful term break.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone in Term 3!
Take care everyone,
Nadia Bettio
Gemma Skeen, Adam Oliver, Lauren Avdyl, Stephen Zhang, Melissa Kloss, Sarah Narres, Alana Stathoulis
Assistant Principals