Wurrin News - Year 8

email:   year8@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4888

Year 8 Assembly (Police)Wednesday 7th August
Year 8 CampWednesday 4th - Friday 6th of September
Parent teacher conferencesThursday 19th and Friday 20th September

Term 3 Year 8 Assembly

The student leaders have done a wonderful job presenting the Year 8 assembly to welcome everyone back for Term 3. Below are some pictures and slides of what we are focusing on for this term.


Some amazing posters have been created in science classes recently. Good work all!

Year 8 Student Achievements

Congratulations to all students that have made it on to the Year 8 Achievements wall, based in the Year 8 hub. We look forward to filling up more spaces as you all accomplish more throughout the year!

Cabin Selection - Camp Coolamatong

Below is a link for Year 8 students to submit cabin choices for our Resilience Camp at Coolamatong. This feedback will ensure you're a happy camper. Please complete it by Friday August 9th. Thanks! 

