Principal's Message

To our College Community,
Students have settled quickly into Term 3 and there is a strong sense of commitment to learning across all year levels.
Our Term 3 collective focus is to maximise learning opportunities by promoting the classroom learning behaviours of:
- In class on time
- Equipment ready
- Respectful behaviour
- Engaging in learning
Whole School Assembly
The Year 7 and Year 9 students will receive their NAPLAN results soon. We are very proud of the positive manner in which students approached these assessments and we acknowledged their strong academic achievement at our whole school assembly on Thursday 25th July.
We also welcomed the Honourable Tim Bull, member for East Gippsland to our whole school assembly. Tim joined the six Year 11 students who completed the Kokoda Trail over the school holidays, as they shared the highlights and challenges of their experience to the College community.
Please read more about our Assembly of Achievement on the next page of our newsletter.
Japanese Students Visiting
Students from our sister school (Yaei High School) in Japan will be at Bairnsdale Secondary College next week. They will be attending classes and engaging in a range of incursions and excursions. I would like to sincerely thank families who have offered to host and welcome a Japanese student into their home. Thank you very much.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge the outstanding efforts that our senior students are putting into their study practices. We have an outstanding group of senior students who are giving their all. I would like to thank their parents, carers and teachers for the support you are providing.
Tony Roberts