What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher interviews will be held in Term 3 on Tuesday 30th July from 3.30pm-5.30pm and Wednesday 31st July from 3.30pm-8.30pm for both Primary and Secondary.  Bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews can be done through Parent Lounge. 


Please see Schoolbox for further information, including how to book.


If you have any queries or need assistance to login, please contact the school on 6423 1373 or email reception@dcs.tas.edu.au


Semester On reports will be sent home with students at the beginning of Term Three.

DCS Art Comp

Celebrating Students

Each week at our Friday assembly we love to celebrate our students. We would love to hear from you if your child has achieved something significant over the weekend during sporting events, dancing, baptisms, theatre, music achievements etc. 


Please email one of the following DCS Team Members with the details (we would love a photo too!):

Corina Barnard: reception@dcs.tas.edu.au

Ema-Lee De Haan: dehaane@dcs.tas.edu.au

Tom Evans: evanst@dcs.tas.edu.au  

Upcoming Events:

Thur 25th July First day Term 3
Fri 26th July8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room
Mon 29th July8.30amPrimary Assembly
Tue 30th July3.30pmParent Teacher Interviews
Wed 31st July8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 9.00amDCS Community Meeting
 3.30pmParent Teacher Interviews
Fri 2nd Aug8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room
Sat 3rd Aug6.30pmDCS Community Trivia Night

Term Dates

Term 3:

Thursday 25th July - Thursday 26th September


Term 4:

Tuesday 15th October - Tuesday 10th December