Principal's Ponderings

From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Embracing Faith In Our Journey

Welcome to Term 3. It is our hope that our families have enjoyed their winter break and had quality time together. We are excited to be opening our Year 5/6 and Visual Art classrooms this week for our primary students. When building and capital projects are happening, it really is a step of faith from drawings and designs on a page, until we see the students learning in the spaces. 

This makes me think on how as a community we at DCS embrace faith. Have you ever seen a staircase so immense and large that you cannot see the top? How do you know where the destination of the staircase is going? This image perfectly illustrates our journey of faith. We may not always see the entire path or know every twist and turn that lies ahead, but we take that first step, trusting that Jesus will guide us. As Martin Luther King Jr. wisely said, 'Faith is taking the first step even though you can't see the whole staircase.'  I have this quote in our home and love reading it each day!

It is this faith that binds us, guides us and inspires us to move forward, even when the path ahead seems unclear.


In Hebrews 11:1, we read, 'Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.' This scripture reminds us that faith is not about having all the answers or seeing the full picture. Instead, it is about trusting in God’s promises and believing that He is with us every step of the way. It is about placing our lives in His hands and knowing that He will lead us to where we need to be. Just look at how God has guided and grown our school over the past five years. But I am not simply talking about opening buildings and completing projects here.

As a community, we have seen countless examples of this faith in action. We see it in our students as they step out of their comfort zones, striving to learn and grow. We see it in our teachers and staff, who pour their hearts into their work, believing in the potential of every child. We see it in our parents, who trust in the partnership with our school to nurture and guide their children.


Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' (Matthew 25:40). Let us continue to honour Jesus by living out this commandment, serving one another with love and compassion. When we extend kindness to those around us we are, in fact, serving Jesus Himself. This act of faith and love is the cornerstone of our community.


Together, let us celebrate the trust, faith and love that Jesus has placed in our hearts. Let us remember that we are not alone on this journey. We have each other, and more importantly, we have Jesus, who is our guide and our light. As we take each step, no matter how uncertain it may seem, let us do so with unwavering faith, knowing that He is leading us to a beautiful and purposeful destination.


May we continue to live in a way that glorifies Jesus, bringing light, love, and support to all those around us. Let us be unshakeable in our faith, trusting that Jesus is with us every step of the way.

Shalom shalom


Chad Smit | Principal