Teaching and Learning/Enrichment Coaching

Progress Reports for Term Two were published on Compass on Friday afternoon (24th May).
It is really important to remember that these reports are not an academic report and do not provide a judgement on VELS levels. They instead reflect a student's overall work habits in terms of their commitment to complete learning tasks, as well as including an indication of how the student is maintaining workbook expectations, behavioural responsibilities and effort in the key learning areas of Literacy, Numeracy, STEAM and Health & PE.
The purpose of these reports is to provide families with more regular updates on how students are tracking throughout each term. It ensures families are aware of their child/ren's behaviour, effort and engagement and how this reflects on their achievements and growth in End of Semester Academic Reports.
End of Semester Reports provide a much more in-depth description of student learning. These are currently being developed by teachers and will be made available to families at the end of this term.