Weekly Student Award

Week 7





Prep AAWillow BOutstanding For showing excellence in all areas of learning. For being resilient when faced with change in a new learning environment and overall having a positive and happy disposition. 
1/2 NPZack BRespectFor always showing respect for his and others belongings and for school equipment.
1/2 PBRyker LOutstandingFor your outstanding effort with learning new routines. You have settled in really well and we are so happy that you have joined our grade!
3/4 LPAiden VOutstandingFor the effort you have put into your work this week. It is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it!
3/4 JSRyan FRespectFor showing great focus during instructions and working well with others. Your high levels of Respect led to great success in the classroom and you should be so proud!

5/6 JD 


Alethia OGratitudeFor being able to express your gratitude and acknowledging the good things that happen in your day! Thank you Alethia!
5/6 JDZSarah POutstandingFor applying yourself in your learning with improved focus and attention to detail when completing tasks! Keep up the great work! 

Kody D & Patrick B


TeamworkFor showing excellent teamwork during your STEAM project. You both did a fantastic job taking turns and sharing ideas. Congratulations Kody and Patrick!
SigningIndi DGratitudeFor your ability to combine hard work and a positive mindset to every lesson. Keep up the good vibes!


Week 8





Prep AAAleyra D Outstanding For showing your perseverance and resilience skills, using your growth mindset and ensuring you are trying your best no matter the circumstances. 
1/2 NPVada QTeamworkFor working so well with others to solve maths problems.
1/2 PB

3/4 LPHaniala NRespectFor always treating others with kindness and respect. You are an excellent role model to your classmates!
3/4 JSJaxon GOutstanding For the extra effort you have been showing in our lessons recently. You have gone above and beyond in your work with perimeter and area in maths. It's great to see you so focused, keep up the great work. 

5/6 JD 


Harper PTeamworkFor being an encouraging member of the Inter School Netball Team and working hard to include all members of the team! Well done!
5/6 JDZCallum HOutstandingFor making much improved efforts to take your time and complete tasks to the best of your ability! You made some excellent achievements this week in your work and assessments! Well done!
STEAMPenelope HOutstandingFor showing up to each STEAM lesson with a super positive attitude and trying your best for every task!


Week 9





Prep AARyan SOutstanding For successfully using finger spaces in his writing and forming his letters perfectly, Well done Ryan! 
1/2 NPDarcy VOutstandingFor making his narrative writing more engaging by rereading and choosing more interesting words. 
1/2 PBArcher OOutstandingFor consistently putting in an outstanding effort with all of your learning tasks. Keep it up!
3/4 LPZander WWellbeingFor going out of your way to look after others and include them in your games. You make our school an awesome place to be!
3/4 JSJake KOutstanding For always maintaining an excellent learning attitude, being organised and taking challenges head on. You have been doing an amazing job! Keep it up!

5/6 JD 


5/6 JDZConnor NRespectFor making a conscious effort to be respectful in the classroom, giving yourself and your classmates better opportunities to learn. Keep it up!
STEAMAddilyn WWellbeingFor your growth in confidence in STEAM and being proud to share your work each lesson! 
SigningJarryd KOutstandingFor sharing your signing skills with a high level of confidence and ensuring you help others succeed. Well done!
PERyan SRespectFor always following rules fairly, putting your hand up when you have something to say and being polite to your peers. Your kindness brightens every lesson!