Specialist Subjects

P.E Auslan STEAM


Our Grade 3-6 students have completed their Netball unit where they were able to experiment with different attacking and defending positions, becoming more confident with the game. Although faced with some challenges with learning new rules, all students have persisted and developed their skills amazingly!


Prep - Grade 2 students have continued their Ball Bounce work with great improvements of ball control and the ability to dribble at a walking and jogging pace. Students are able to help each other by providing feedback and encouragement to ensure our learning environment is positive. We definitely have some Basketball superstars in this cohort, I can't wait to see what else we achieve in the final weeks of term!


On Friday 7th June, our Senior students participated in the Winter Lightning Premiership in T-ball, Netball and Soccer. We always enjoy the friendly competitiveness of District Sport and we love the opportunity to put Interschool Sport practise into multiple games with official venues and umpires/referees. Our students demonstrated high levels of enthusiasm and support for their own team as well as the opposition which we are always so proud of. A special Congratulations goes to our T-ball team who finished the day undefeated which is super impressive. Supercoach Mrs Dyt was thrilled with the efforts of Harley, Nathaniel, Patrick, Jarryd, Si, Laksh, Charli, Macey and Leah, well done!



Our Middle/Senior students are deepening their number knowledge to signing about Money. We have learnt about dollars and cents as well as how to sign different price points. All students have been super motivated and are making great progress!


Our Junior students are continuing to extend their Auslan alphabet knowledge alongside their number knowledge. We have been playing lots of signing games to enhance letter recognition and signing full sentences involving numbers.


STEAM: Science, Technology & The Arts


We have been working on so many exciting projects in STEAM over the past 2 weeks! Our juniors created night and day oil pastel drawings with some students practising using warm and cool colours and patterns. We have started learning about Earth sciences and created water cycle crafts and crystals. 

Our middle and senior students finished their solar system/sun and earth oil pastel drawings and what a fantastic job they did! We have true artists among these cohorts. We are now moving onto designing video games and have just started becoming familiar with the coding program Scratch.