Term Two Events


Please see details below in regards to events that may be important to you/your child in 2024. Further information in regards to each event will be distributed via Compass closer to the event. 



Term 2 

11 Weeks 


Monday 15th April

Term 2 begins


Thursday 18th AprilSchool Photos
Friday 19th AprilMcMullen Free Dress Day
Monday 22nd April

Middle/Senior House Cross Country

 11.30 - 1.30

Tuesday 23rd April

Junior House Cross Country

11.30 - 1.30

School Tour 10am

Wednesday 24th AprilANZAC Assembly - 2.45pm
Thursday 25th AprilANZAC DAY
Friday 3rd May

House Colour Day

Interschool Sport Yr 5/6

Vs Pakenham Hills PS  HOME

Monday 6th May

State School Spectacular Rehearsal

@ Officer SC

Book Club due

Thursday 9th May

Mothers Day Stall

School Tours 2.15pm

Friday 10th May 

Mother’s Day High Tea 3.15 - 4.00pm

District Cross Country

Monday 13th May

Responsible Pet Ownership Program

Whole School

Friday 17th May

Interschool Sport Yr 5/6

Vs Pakenham PS AWAY

Camp Forms due

Monday 20th MayCurriculum Day
Tuesday 21st MaySchool Tours 2.15pm
Thursday 23rd May

Food Day - Party Pies and Sausage


Friday 24th May

Interschool Sport Yr 5/6

Vs Orchard Park PS HOME

Monday 27th May

Whole School Reconciliation Week 


Wednesday 29th MayDivision Cross Country
Friday 31st May

Interschool Sport Yr 5/6

Vs Kurran PS AWAY

Thursday 6th June School Tours 10am
Friday 7th June

Winter Lightning Prem

Camp payment due

Monday 10th JuneKing's Birthday
Thursday 13th JuneHouse Afternoon

Monday 17th - Wednesday

 19th June

Summit Camp
Tuesday 18th June

Teddy Bears Picnic

School Tours 10am

Thursday 20th June


Friday 21st June

Whole School Wellbeing PJ day

Egg and Bacon Rolls

End of Semester Assembly

Thursday 27th June

Food Day - Fish and Chips

School Tours 10:00am

Friday 28th June

End of Term 2

School finishes 2.30pm