Principal's Desk

From Mr Mati Azadzoi

Dear Parent/Guardian/Carer/Students and Staff,


Well done to all of our students on receiving their fortnightly G.R.O.W.TH awards. 

A reminder that our end of Semester assembly is occurring on Friday 21st of June at Berwick Grammar. All parents/carers are welcome. See Compass for more details. 


Reconciliation Week/Assembly

On Tuesday 28th of May our school ran a Reconciliation Assembly. Student leaders led an awesome workshop and presentation educating our kids about what Reconciliation is and it's significance. Ms Dyt finished the assembly with a wonderful reinforcement of the lesson through reading the book 'Somebody's land' by Adam Goode.  Our students also participated at Cardinia Civic Centre as part of the program led by the local council. Our students demonstrated exemplary representation of our school. Please see Facebook for photos.


Winter Lightning Premiership/

On Friday 7th June, our Senior students participated in the Winter Lightning Premiership playing T-ball, Netball and Soccer. Our students demonstrated high levels of enthusiasm and support for their own team as well as the opposition. A special Congratulations to our T-ball team who finished the day undefeated. Supercoach Mrs Dyt was thrilled with the efforts of Harley, Nathaniel, Patrick, Jarryd, Si, Laksh, Charli, Macey and Leah. Well done all!


Division Cross Country

We were fortunate enough to have Nolene, Sarah and Jacob compete at the Division Cross-Country two weeks ago. These superstars put fantastic efforts into their events, proudly finishing with strong results! Sarah finished 13th, Nolene 14th and Jacob 28th! A solid bunch.


National Simultaneous storytime

Our students came together along with millions of other children around the country for the annual National Simultaneous Storytime. We joined the livestream reading of Aura Parker's Bowerbird Blues and we're currently working on a display for the library - stay tuned for pictures of the finished product!


Bambini Child Care Visits

We've started to partner with our first kinder/child care centre Bambini. Last week Ms Augustus took a group of our students over to read to the kids. It was a lovely atmosphere and great opportunity for our kids to give back to the local community.

Thanks to all of our the students who were involved and Ms A for organising it all. We will continue this relationship and have planned for them to visit us shortly.


Buddy program

This fortnight our Prep's and Grade 6's enjoyed seeing their buddies and learning more about them. In their session, they enjoyed having the challenge of drawing our buddies and ensuring we had all the correct features. Our preps loved this challenge and really loved learning more about their year six peers. In term three, we will continue facilitating strong and healthy social skills throughout our lessons in buddies. 


Student Enrichment Coaching

We have been unsuccessful with our recent job advertisement for the role of the enrichment coaching program. We are re-advertising this position with a longer open period. If you know anyone who is a teacher and is looking for supporting students with Literacy and Numeracy two days a week, please ask them to contact the school.


Teddy Bear Picnic

Prep-2 students are reminded to bring a Teddy Bear for a picnic on the 18th of June. 

A special treat will be provided. 


School Saving Bonus-2025

You may have seen the recent announcement of the School Saving Bonus, as part of the Victorian Budget 2024/25.  This one-off support will include $400 for each eligible student to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities in 2025. It will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025.  Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of your children’s activities and uniforms.


Upcoming Events 

Teddy Bear Picnic

School Tours

Camp 3-6

Whole school Wellbeing/PJ day


June Staff Birthdays:                 


June Student Birthdays: 


3/4 Jake K

5/6 Charli M

5/6 Jeremy S