
In Foundation this week, we were learning about the importance of demonstrating good manners. Here are some photos of the roleplays that FMM performed (Apologies that with the fun of it all, I forgot to take photos in FJ!!). They were modelling such behaviours as:
- Asking permission before taking things
- Lining up and not pushing in
- Saying ‘please’ and ‘thankyou’
- If you don’t hear, responding with ‘excuse me?’ or ‘pardon?’ instead of ‘what?’
- Tidying up after yourself
Please free to ask your children what manners they think are important to demonstrate!
Milo the Monkey's Birthday
What a FABULOUS day we’ve all had celebrating Milo the Monkey’s birthday (the end of learning all of our letter sounds!). What have we been up to?
- In the morning we read the Milo Monkey book again from start to finish, drawing pictures and writing words for each letter sound.
- We created birthday cards for Milo using our best handwriting! Some lovely messages written inside.
- We DANCED! A lot :)
- We played pin the tail on the Monkey! 🐵 using materials to measure the shortest and longest tail.
- We passed the parcel! Uncovering letters within each layer.
Thanks everyone for helping making it such a. Fun and memorable day. Ace dress-ups too! Loved the enthusiasm :)