
Student of the Week Award Winners - Week 9
Student of the Week Awards - Week 10
FMM- Milania D-B
FA - Audrey HM
1/2K - Sibel K
1/2S - Arlo M
1/2T - Rahma A
3/4J - Lara J
3/4B - Munkhbaatar
3/4S - Art C
5/6K - Catherine
5/6J- Raf
Happy Birthday in Week 10 to ...
Cyanna D-B, Charlie S, Aanika D, Ottilie S, Michael D-B, Milania D-B, Audrey H-M!
Did you know that Batman loves pancakes?
Student Learning 1/2
1/2K have finished publishing their own Little People Big Dreams biographies.
For Science in Year 1/2 , we have been learning about the weather and weather patterns. This week, we learnt how to measure rainfall and built our own rain gages. Tonight, it is expected to rain so we have placed our rain gages out in the yard with hope to measure the overnight rainfall.
This week the 1/2s have been learning about families in Inquiry. We have interviewed family members about their childhoods, celebrations and traditions.