3/4 Area

 Denise Diamantopoulos, Sarah Cotton, Sil Khammy, Natasha McKenna, Monique Jones,  Nicole Riley, Viv Matic and Maria Rizzo

Welcome back to Term 3 PVNPS families!!

The 3/4 cohort have had a terrific start to Term 3. Students have come back positive, energised and ready to take on another term of fun and exciting learning experiences. 



What have we learnt in the first 2 weeks?  

Reading and Writing: Poetry 

Students continued developing their knowledge on poetry by learning literary devices such as similes, metaphors, personification and many more. They used their understanding to write exceptional poems that were eagerly shared with the class. 

Mathematics: Multiplication and Division 

Students began learning about multiplication and division as they made think boards to express their understanding of arrays, repeated addition/subtraction, groups of and worded problems. They extended their knowledge by re-visiting number bonds and fact families.

There were many lightbulb moments in maths this week :))

Wellbeing: NAIDOC week and Children’s Safety Network: Helping Hands

In Week 1, students learned about the significance of NAIDOC week. We delivered learning materials that were intended to honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by acknowledging their histories, culture and achievements. Below are some of the posters that students drew as part of the ‘Keep the Fire Burning’ theme for 2024. 


The children’s safety network unit was undertaken across the whole school. Students learned about trusted adults whom they can seek help from in the school environment and made hands to give out to their receiving school staff. The 3/4 students buddied up with the Grade 1 students to bring them to their teachers across the school. How cute!

Discovery: Australian Settlement

Students are learning about the Australian Settlement and the histories during that point in time. Learning about this will lead them into their topic about the GOLD RUSH! 


And of course, their amazing specialists: ART, STEM, MUSIC and PE!