Grade 2 Area

Miss Kate Lyon, Miss Stella Baker Campbell and 

Mrs Amanda Johnson & Mrs Kaila Guglielmino

Welcome to Term 3! 


We have some exciting events coming up in Grade 2:

  • Thursday 1/8/24 Prep - Grade 2 Sports Fun Day 11:30am - 1:20pm
  • Tuesday 27/8/24 CERES Excursion 9:15am - 2:30pm. 

Please make sure to complete the permission forms and payment online through COMPASS, under the events heading. For any queries on how to do this, please see your child's classroom teacher or the front office staff. 


Grade 2 have settled back into our routines and have been learning about Poetry in Writing. We have been learning about different types of poetry such as:

  • Acrostic Poems
  • Senses Poems
  • Rhyming Poems, and 
  • Shape Poems

The students have written some very engaging and creative poems using some great descriptive language!

We hope you enjoy reading a varietyome of the Grade 2 Students' Poetry below: