Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham and Mrs Sarah Castellas

Grade 1s have made a fabulous start to Term 3, returning to school with positive attitudes and clear readiness to learn! Here we can see 1A students showing respect and listening attentively to one another during our debrief time at the end of Reading:

In Maths we have been learning about patterns, and have been working especially hard on our skip-counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. Students have identified and continued patterns using a range of materials, including play money, 120 charts and counters. 

Our Discovery topic for the first weeks of term is the Olympics. We have learned about the significance of the Olympic rings, flame and medals, and about the wide range of sports included in the Paris games this year. We are particularly looking forward to our own kind of mini-Olympics next Thursday (August 1st), at the P-2 Fun Athletics Day!


From Week 4 onwards our Discovery topic will be History. On Tuesday in Week 4 (August 6th), we would love as many students as possible to dress up in olden days clothes to celebrate our new topic (and maybe the teachers will dress up too...!)