Community Engagement

School Council - Community Engagement Team

Father's Day... coming soon

We will be holding our Annual Father's Day Stall on Wednesday 28th August. 

We need you help with setting up on the Tuesday afternoon and then also selling items to the students on the day. Please ring the office to let them know if you can volunteer some time.


Donations of gifts

It would be great if you could be creative and make gifts or just buy them to donate. We do get the Junior School Council students to shop online for some preferred bought items, but some extras are greatly appreciated.


Book Fair

A big thank-you to all our families for attending the 3 Way Conferences last night and dropping in to visit our Book Fair.  We sold a whopping $2484 in books, raising $745.00 for our school library.  We are looking forward to purchasing the 2024 CBCA - Children's Book Council Australia.   The theme of this year's Book theme is 'Reading is Magic'.  Please preview the below link for more information on the shortlisted books and authors. We thank-you once again. 

Bake Sale

We are looking forward to holding our FAMOUS PVN Bake Sale next Monday.  Thank-you those who have volunteered their time to sell goodies and thank-you in anticipation to our Bakers!