Junior School Council & Engagement 

 Miss Brittany Ansons & Dimi


In week 4 on Monday 5th August, the whole school will be participating in a Wellbeing Incursion in the morning. 

P-2 will be participating from 9:00-9:45

3-6 will be participating from 10:00-10:45

We are hoping for this to occur outside on the basketball court (weather permitting), alternatively this will take place in the multi-purpose room.

There is no cost for this performance, but yo-yos will be on sale in the following 5-10 days.

The performer takes students on a 45-minute journey filled with humour, yo-yo and magic tricks, puppetry, and storytelling.

The performance introduces a cartoon boy named NED who is on a very important mission: to find his mindset.

Led by clues and memorable characters, he overcomes Mt. Everest’s toughest obstacles, uncovers inner-treasures on a Caribbean island, and grows his brain while repairing 

a sputtering spaceship. Throughout the performance, your students discover how to activate their growth mindset to overcome social, emotional and academic challenges.



                 See website for further information & curriculum resources:








Please remind your children that we have responsible year 5/6 stfduents who open our Sports garage every day at the beginning of lunchtime for borrowing of sports equipment and various games to play.