Principal's Report

Dear families,


The end of the semester provides us with a chance to stop, reflect and re-energise. There is much to celebrate at St Brigid’s from the first half of the year. We have had successful camps and retreats, sporting competitions, Bright Sparks and academic success. Today we have released the end of semester reports and I ask parents and carers to take the time to have a discussion with their child around their progress and goals for semester 2.  

And now, over the break, we have time to spend with family and friends and, the most difficult aspect, with ourselves. When we take the time for introspection, we can evaluate our life and ask ourselves if this is where we expected to be. Are we ‘happy’ and what does this actually mean? Too often we confuse hedonistic happiness with eudaimonic happiness. Both types are important. Hedonistic happiness is based on instant pleasure and decreased pain, the sugar hit. Eudaimonic wellbeing on the other hand is reliant on Maslow’s ideas of self-actualisation and brings us happiness when we experience purpose in our lives, challenges and growth. When we feel fulfilled we realise that happiness does not come from the pursuit of pleasure but from the development of individual strengths and virtues. This allows our students to build resilience in the face of adversity. My hope is that all students at St Brigid’s find true ‘happiness’.

As we begin Term 3, students will notice a change around our campus as the builders move in and begin demolishing the old toilets, canteen and foods kitchen. There will be some disruption around the school for most of Semester 2. Students will be able to access the toilets in the STEAM building during class time and the stadium toilets at recess and lunch. The bike racks will also move to the eastern boundary of the school and bikes must enter off Hamilton St or along the Stadium to the back of the STEAM building. Classes will continue as normal in timetabled classrooms. 

Obviously Child Safety is a paramount priority for us here at St Brigid’s and in line with the CCYP Child safety Standard 9, parents and carers can be assured that while the building works are underway that our staff will identify and mitigate any risks in the physical environment without compromising the child’s right to privacy, access to information, social connections and learning opportunities. All visitors will be required to sign the Code of Conduct and follow Child safety and Wellbeing policy and practices.

I wish everyone a safe and ‘happy’ semester break and look forward to continuing the partnership in Semester 2.


Stay safe


Gerard Raven