Community Noticeboard

Community is about doing something together that makes belonging matter



VicSRC Ambassadors

VicSRC Ambassadors is an annual program for Victorian students from years 6-10 interested in leading change in their schools and communities. The program brings together students to build advocacy skills, take action on issues occurring in schools and amplify student voice. The program also focuses on building networks for the students to utilise within their communities. 

The Ambassadors program is funded by the Victorian Department of Education and Training and is free for students.


The details of this round of Ambassadors are as below:

When: Monday 8th July - Wednesday 10th July (half day workshops)

Where: Centre for Participation - Horsham, Victoria 

Who: Victorian students in years 6 - 10 interested in learning about making change! (Only 15 places available)

Cost: FREE! This program is free for students to access, including lunch provided Monday and Tuesday, and catered Morning Tea on Wednesday 🙂

You can learn more about the program, and to apply to participate, here.  Applications close Sunday 30th June at 11:59pm!


What's on for Horsham Youth!


Thanks to our wonderful Sponsors!