Special Events

On Sunday Kate and Indi entered into the Echuca- Moama Lions Club Public Speaking. The girls wrote some great speeches.
Congratulations to our School Captain Kate for progressing to the next round of the Lion's Club Public Speaking competition
Engineers without Borders Incursion
On Monday our students from 3/4A, 3/4B and 4/5A, attend an Incursion
Engineers without Borders.
Engineers without Borders are people with different subjects, such as Engineers: they build bridges and buildings and more but they don't just leave it they come back after a month. The next one is Electronics: that's about fixing lights, phones and that. Biomedical Engineering: they make prosthetic legs and eyes for people who need them. What we did, we had to build a structure to hold up a lot of marbles. Some had lots and some had only 26 but that's ok, we had so much fun and the winners had 100+ and it was amazing
By Hannah
On the 24th of June we went to 1/2A Mrs Bourke's classroom. It was so much fun, if we could go again, I would definitely would go. We had 5 presenter, Alice, Frankie, Brigitte, Nat and James. It was so fun, we had to get some money and spend it to the kind shop keeper, we also has to build a boarder to hold a lot of marbles. It was amazing
By Hailey
Engineers Without Borders, everyone had fun and there were 5 people Alice, Nat. Brigitte, James and Frankie. We had to make boats and put marbles in the boats and see how many marbles the boats can hold in until it sank. We received $40 to buy items from their shop to make your boats. We had to stop at 100. We had a lot of fun.
By Mackenzie
Engineers without Borders are a group of people from Melbourne University. They all study different types of engineering, one of them is a Mechanical Engineer and he worked on cars, planes etc. Also one of the girls is a Civil Engineer and she makes roads and bridges for us to use. Frankie is a Electronics Engineer and makes phones, iPads, computers and more. Biomedical Engineer which makes prosthetic legs and brains. Chemical Engineer that means they work on chemistry plastics, sunscreen and all that stuff. It was so fun, we got to make floating boat models and we had monopoly money. We then tested them with marbles.
By Josie
Specialist Showcase