Principal's Report

 Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders

I wish everyone a very happy holiday period. Stay safe and warm in the cold weather. Maybe a good book, hot chocolate and relaxation is on the cards. 

You may have read on ClassDojo that we are saying farewell to two staff members at the end of this term our Assistant Principal Matt S and our 1 / 2 C teacher Miss S. 

 I have included a few words from them as they make their way to a new adventure;


Dear Students, Parents and Staff,


It is with a mix of excitement and sadness that I announce my departure from Echuca Twin Rivers Primary School. After two and a half years here, I am pursuing new opportunities and investing more time into my family.


Relocating from Melbourne to Echuca and joining the ETRPS community has been an experience I’ll never forget. I have been privileged to work alongside dedicated staff, courageous students and supportive parents, all who strive every day to provide the opportunities for our students to succeed. 


Together, we have navigated numerous challenges, celebrated hard-won achievements and created an environment where all students feel safe and supported. We have strived to develop a learning environment invested in developing students academically, socially and emotionally. The resilience and commitment I have witnessed here is truly admirable. I am grateful for the trust and collaboration you have extended to me during my tenure. Each day has brought new learning and growth.


As I move onto the next chapter of my professional journey, I remain confident that the exceptional team at ETRPS will continue to foster resilience, growth and excellence in our students. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the ETRPS community.


Yours in education, Matt.

Miss S;

It's with a heavy heart that I want to let you know I won't be coming back to teach after the holidays. I'm so grateful to all of you for letting me be a part of your children's education and for all the support and kindness you've shown me.

Teaching here has been an incredible learning experience, and I've really appreciated all the moments I've had. I wish all the students in 1/2C the very best, and I'm confident they will continue to thrive.  Thank you so much for everything.

We all wish you the very best as you depart from ETRPS and hope to catch-up with you in the future. Take care and enjoy everything in front of you.



Congratulations to all on a successful Term 2. With many changes occurring, we have continued to pull together to overcome each obstacle as a school. We have had many successes this term including, though, not limited to: (in no particular order);

- Reconciliation Week, 

- Anzac Day service,  

- Special Person’s Day

- National Simultaneous Storytime, 

- Crazy Pj Day

- Do it For Dolly Day

- SWPBS Silver Award

- 2025 Prep Information Night

- Student Led Conferences

- 5/6 Football and Netball Tournaments 

- 5/6 Interschool sport

- 5/6 Market day excursion

- Specialist Showcase and so much more.


Such amazing stuff! Well done everyone. 


Congratulations to our new Sustainability Leaders


Winter is upon us. Please ensure your child/ren has their jumper, polo and or coat with them to keep warm where needed. Please name all items of clothing. We have a number of jumpers and jackets in lost property. 


Reports are now available to all families via SENTRAL. Please ensure you access your child/ren's report/s to keep updated with their academic and social-emotional progress.



Thank you to our students and the support of our families in ensuring our students are in full school uniform every day. Our students look great in our uniform, and it helps develop pride and a sense of belonging. Uniform spot checks will happen throughout the week in any given week.


Black pants and black shorts are not part of our school uniform. As part of our uniform policy, all shorts and pants must be navy blue. Students arriving at school, who are not in uniform will be provided with the opportunity to wear school uniform and a phone call will be made home. 

Fake nails are not a part of our school uniform and can actually be damaged or damage others. Please ensure your child/ren do not have fake nails. 


Foundation 2025 Enrolments 

All enrolment documents are available to download from our website. You may also contact the school and we can send the information to you via email or the post. 


If you know of any families who are interested in enrolling, please ask them to contact the school.


Applications for 2025 Prep Enrolments are required to the school by July 29th.


Events for the remainder of term

We have many events still to come for Term 2. Please keep informed through our important term dates and Facebook posts regarding these events.

  • Inter-school Sports on Fridays
  • Specialist Showcase 
  • Early finish Friday - 1.30pm


Incursion/Excursions Process

Please continue to support the organisation of incursions and excursions at the school by ensuring that you have given permission and payment for your child/ren to attend prior to the due date outlined on the excursion form. This is imperative to ensure the event is organised and coordinated in a manner that ensures the safety and engagement of all students involved. Where permission and payment isn't received within the timelines specified, it may lead to your child/ren not attending.


Please ensure you are connected to the parent portal/app of SENTRAL to ensure you have access to this process.


Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Enjoy the holidays. See you again on Monday 15 July.  


Julie Hommelhoff      
