Year Three Team News
with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary
Year Three Team News
with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary
This week, our students participated in two free Sports Clinics in lacrosse and judo on the school premises. The students received a designated coaching session from experts, enabling them to develop skills and learn the rules. In addition to providing opportunities for the students to partake in some exercise, the students were able to have fun with their peers as we approach the end of a busy term. Thanks must go to Paddy, our popular Physical Education teacher, for organising the wonderful Sports Clinics for us.
Oral Presentations:
As our oral presentations ‘draw to a close,’ we would like to thank families for supporting their children in preparing their oral presentations over the past few weeks. We have thoroughly enjoyed listening to the students’ presentations and learning about a variety of health and wellbeing issues.
Bern's Mindfulness Sessions
We have been extremely lucky to secure Bern, our beloved Expressive Arts Therapy teacher, to run a 45-minute Mindfulness session with each of our Year 3 classes. These sessions are highly beneficial for our health and wellbeing and linked to our Inquiry unit. Bern’s sessions enabled us to take some time to relax, unwind and care for our emotional wellbeing.
Fruit Platters
To celebrate the end of term and as a final activity for our Health and Wellbeing unit, the Year 3 students will be provided with some platters of fruit to share in their classrooms on Thursday 27th June – the second last day of term. The students will be able to sample some tropical and exotic fruits, e.g. papaya, dragon fruit, feijoa, rambutan. (Please note: This is an optional activity and the students do not have to try or eat any of the fruits, if preferred.) If your child has a food allergy involving fruit and/or if you would prefer for your child not to eat any of the fruits on offer, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Fortnightly Curriculum Focus
Reading: Summarise familiar texts in own words.
Writing: Use research notes to produce a brochure about our Inquiry topic. Edit writing focusing on correct use of boundary punctuation. Publish narratives using iPads. Write a reflection for Semester One.
Numeracy: Chance- Conduct chance experiments to identify and describe outcomes and recognise variation in results. Identify practical activities and everyday events that involve chance. Describe outcomes as ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ and identify some events as ‘certain’ or ‘impossible.’
Inquiry: ‘How Can We Care for Our Health and Wellbeing?’ Learn about the importance of caring for our emotional wellbeing and mental health in a positive way. Attend Bern’s Mindfulness session.
Willy Kids: Reflect on our learning in Semester One and set new goals for next term.
Warm regards,
The Year 3 team – Katja Morris (3M), Carmel Byrne (3D), Rochelle White and Mary Colangelo (3W).