Year Two Team News
with Steph, Joel and Georgia
Year Two Team News
with Steph, Joel and Georgia
It is hard to believe, but we are nearing the end of what has been a huge term for our Willy Kids. We are extremely proud of all the effort our students have put towards their schoolwork and the qualities that make a Willy Kid have been on display week by week. There is no doubt that all students have earnt a well-deserved rest over the holidays, and we look forward to hearing about their exciting adventures and activities they get up to over the break once we return for Term 3.
In late term 3, we will be having our Grade 2 sleepover. If your child has not experienced staying away from home yet, then we ask that you consider using the holidays as an opportunity to provide this experience for your child with a close friend or family member.
If you have any questions about the Grade 2 Sleepover, your parent teacher interview will provide a good opportunity to ask your child's teacher about any questions you may have.
Important news for Week 11:
- Grade 2 Planning Day: As it is a planning week, the day in which the Grade 2s will have all their specialists is on Thursday 27th June.
- Student led conferences: We look forward to seeing you Tuesday 25th of June to celebrate your child’s learning this semester. Just a friendly reminder that students do not attend the mid-year parent teacher interview in Grades Prep-2. All students will be dismissed at 12:30pm on this day. As always, make your appointment through Compass. If you have any issues, please contact the office.
Curriculum Focus: Weeks 11
Literacy: In Writing, we will be finishing off our sequels to ‘The Highway Rat.’
Numeracy: We will complete a range of problems and activities using our knowledge and place value.
Inquiry: We will conclude our unit of work ‘What are things made of and why?’
Willy Kids: Through the pillar of Learning, we are learning about the importance of being reflective learners and how being reflective can assist us with our learning.
Photos from the last two weeks:
Until next time,
The Grade Two Team - Steph Keswick (2K), Joel Kitchen (2J) & Georgia Grainger (2G)