Prep Team News

with Caitlin, Hayley & Andrea

Hello Prep families,

We can’t believe it is almost the end of Term Two! Our Preps are now half way through their first year at school. Thank you to our Willy Primary families for your continued support during a big and eventful term. Our Preps certainly deserve a well earned rest in the holidays! Please enjoy some photos below of the great work we’ve been doing this term. 


Our Willy Kid focus this week is Willy Kids are Reflective Learners. Our Preps are reflective learners when they reflect on their task and think about how they can improve further to reach new learning goals. 




100 Days of Prep

The hundredth day of school is coming up in Term Three, on Friday 2nd August. We will be sending a note home in the coming week about this event. You may like to start thinking about a costume idea over the holidays, in preparation for our celebration day. Your costume could be party clothes, dressing as someone 100 years old or making something for the theme one hundred. 



Curriculum Focus: Weeks 9 - 10

Reading - Students will continue learning about appropriate reading behaviours, including pointing to the words as we read. They will also discuss text features such as full stops and capital letters. As part of our Little Learner’s program, students begin the year learning single letter sounds, with our current focus being the /k/and /x/ sounds. To help us remember these sounds, we have met Kylie the koala and Max the fox. There are songs about these characters available online, which you may like to listen to with your child at home or in the car: 

Kylie the koala - Spotify

Max the fox - Spotify


Writing - Students are learning to correctly form letters and use our sound knowledge to write sentences. This week we are focusing on forming the letters ‘k’ and ‘x’. We are also learning to read and write the heart words ‘she’, ‘he’, ‘we’, ‘to’, ‘do’ and ‘was’ this term. 


Numeracy - Students are revising the days of the week. We are working on remembering the days of the week in order and being able to list some of the things we do on each day.


Inquiry - This term, our inquiry topic is Changes Around Us. Our big questions will include: What is change? What things change? What is changing outside?


Homework - Each Monday, students will be given an activity to complete at home that relates to our weekly sound or maths focus. The activity in their ‘Home Learning Book’ will be collected each Friday. Homework in Prep should take no longer than 15 minutes.  


Have a great weekend and a lovely holiday break. For those going on the Lantern Walk this weekend, have a great time and stay warm!


Warm regards,

The Prep Team–Caitlin Sullivan (Prep S), Hayley Thibou (Prep T) & Andrea Duxson (Prep D)