Junior School Report

Mr Shane Malone

As Semester One comes to an end, we are delighted to celebrate the numerous positive experiences our Junior School students have enjoyed. This semester has been filled with many exciting and inspiring opportunities that have seen the whole student body grow academically, socially, and emotionally.  


One of the most anticipated events was the annual school production. Our students dazzled the audience with their impressive acting, singing, and dancing skills. The production was a testament to their hard work and dedication, and it was heartwarming to see students from all year levels come together to create such a memorable performance. The camaraderie and teamwork displayed on and off the stage truly embodied our college values, and we could not be thrilled for all students and staff involved. 


In the realm of sports, our Junior School students excelled in various competitions, bringing home many trophies and medals. Their commitment to training and their determination in matches showcased their courage and aspiration. Whether on the field, court or track, our students demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship and resilience. We congratulate our students for everything they achieved this semester and wish all students the best of luck in the Regional and State finals. 


Beyond the stage and sports fields, the classroom continues to be a place of joy, discovery, and personal bests. Students have shown enthusiasm and a love for learning, making significant progress in their academic pursuits, and building their self-esteem in the process. Their curiosity and eagerness to engage in lessons have created a vibrant and dynamic learning environment, and the way in which you work so well with each other is inspiring.  


Building friendships and contributing positively to our amazing school-community has been another highlight of this semester, and we are looking forward to seeing this amazing work continue after the holidays. New students were warmly welcomed, as they are always here, and strong bonds were formed through the various extra-curricular programs we were fortunate to experience. Our students have consistently shown respect and equality, ensuring everyone feels included and valued. 


Moreover, our Junior School students have represented our college values of courage, aspirations, respect, and equality in their everyday actions. From standing up for what is right to striving for personal and academic excellence, they have embodied these principles in remarkable ways.   


As we reflect on this wonderful semester, we are incredibly proud of all that our Junior School students have achieved. Their hard work, creativity, and kindness have made Semester One truly exceptional. We look forward to the continued growth and success of our students in the coming months. 


We are wishing you all a wonderful holiday break.  Rest up, have lots of fun, and prepare for an amazing Semester Two. 


With gratitude and appreciation,  


The Junior School Team