Assistant Principal's Report

Mr Louis Turner

Living our Values - Positive Behaviour Merits 

Greensborough College is delighted to announce that students have been awarded an impressive 6,430 positive behaviour merits from teachers this year to date. This is a significant increase from the 3,604 merits awarded during the same period last year. With 100 school days so far, this averages out to about 64 merits per day, or approximately 10.67 merits per hour! 

These merits reflect our core values of courage, aspiration, equality, and respect. Leading the way is our new Year Seven cohort, who have earned an outstanding 2,114 merits. Our four houses are in a tight race to see who can get the most merits. Plenty have 1529 while Kalparin have been awarded 1593. Willinda are on 1600 with Cooper just in front on 1608.  

We encourage families to regularly check their child’s progress through Compass and celebrate these achievements. 

Congratulations to all students for their hard work and dedication. Let’s continue to strive for excellence and embody the values that make our college community strong. 


Student Attitude to School Survey Results 

The 2024 Attitude to School Survey preliminary results show significant improvements across almost every domain and factor measured, highlighting the positive direction our school is heading. Overall, the whole school data has shown remarkable progress, with many areas seeing substantial gains compared to previous years. 

The Attitude to School Survey (AtoSS) captures students’ perceptions and experiences of learning and school life. The AtoSS also provides an effective opportunity for the Greensborough College leadership to respond to student voice. 

In the domain of Effective Teacher Practice, we have observed increases in the percentage of positive endorsements: effective teaching time (+2%), effective classroom behaviour (+2%), and stimulated learning (+6%). These improvements reflect our values of courage and aspiration, encouraging students to strive for excellence in their learning environment. 

Teacher-student relations have also improved, particularly in student effort (+5%). Learner characteristics and dispositions have seen notable boosts, with learning confidence and perseverance both up by +8%, motivation and interest by +6%, and self-regulation and goal setting by +9%. Attitudes to attendance have also improved by +4%. These gains are a testament to our commitment to fostering respect and aspiration within our student body. 

Social engagement metrics are particularly encouraging, with a sense of connectedness up by +12%, transitions for Year 7 and new students improving by +12%, and student voice and agency increasing by +3%.  

Student safety indicators such as managing bullying (+7%) and respect for diversity (+5%) are on the rise, reflecting our core value of respect. Individual social and emotional wellbeing has improved, with life satisfaction up by +7%, and emotional awareness and regulation by +4%. 

These results are overwhelmingly positive and reflect the hard work and dedication of our students and staff in upholding our values of courage, aspiration, respect, and equality. We look forward to sharing more detailed analyses with you after the break.