VM News

Ms Kami Gillick-Lewis

VM Literacy Students Innovate and Persuade to Launch a Product 

Year 11 VM Literacy students have been producing persuasive Podcasts for their VM Literacy digital texts major assessment task. All class groups have selected highly relevant and topical issues to discuss in their podcasts including Gaming Addiction, Beauty and Anti-Ageing Technologies, Virtual Reality Pros and Cons, Cloning in Veterinary Sciences and Basketballers- who is the best of the best? The year 11 students have engaged in scaffolded writing lessons where they have produced extended scripts and recorded sound bites to engage their listeners in highly provocative audio content. Well done year 11s, great work! 


In Year 12 VM Literacy, students have carried out a Homelessness and Innovation Shark Tank oral presentation exploring ways to advocate for the homeless through product design and persuasive speaking. With some great concepts launched including a Night Garden for the Homeless, a Shelter Hub, a Hygiene and Cuts Van as well as a Community Garden Concept and Café year 12s have raised the bar for innovation. The winning concept as voted by the class was ‘Shelter Hub’ presented by Luka Conic, Lucas Zahra, Axel Finn, Joshua Eastman and Jacob Semaan. Well done guys! 


VM Cooking Students Create Cosy Soup Hub for Staff & Students at Lunch Time 

Year 12 VM cooking students have been trialling different soup recipes for the recently launched WRS Yr 12 Soup Lunch. Teamwork, leadership, effective communication and listening are all part of this group cooking task and all students who participated on the day did a superb job demonstrating these skills as they enticed staff and students to a cup of soup! After much deliberation and negotiation students decided on the final 3 delicious soups and which they prepared ready to cook for the event for all Year 12's. The event itself was a great success and a sound reflection of the great leadership skills our year 12 VM students exhibit. 


Well done!