Principal's Report

Mrs Pauline Barker

School Production 

 I hope most of the college community was able to see our outstanding production of The Addams Family. I think this is the best production we have had in my eight years as the Principal of Greensborough College. The student performers were amazing especially our Year 12 members of the cast who have performed in their last school show. I would like to acknowledge and congratulate Celeste Penzi, Ajax Whitehead, Poppy McConchie, Lucas Davies, Michaela Cochrane and Hannah Fyfe on their contribution to the show this year and in past years. I wish them all the best and encourage all of them to continue in the theatre beyond Greensborough College. Thank you to Grace and Jack from GJ Productions who have been wonderful teachers for our performers.  Thanks also goes to the staff who supported the program, especially our performing arts teachers, Molly Krausgrill and Allira Wilson. 


Student Excellence Program – Victorian High Ability Program 

The Student Excellence Program is thriving. Students are selected by the Department of Education and the College to participate in an online extension program each term.  Students are selected based on their academic performance and capacity to engage in the extension program. We have also conducted and excursion to the Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES) in South Yarra. CHES is a state-wide provider of Higher Education Studies including first-year university subjects and four highly-regarded VCE studies of great appeal to high-ability students: Extended Investigation, Algorithmics, English Language, and Specialist Mathematics. Some of our students have applied and been accepted into studies for semester two this year.  During the 2025 course counselling program students will have an opportunity to select a CHES subject.  The link here gives you more information. Home - Centre for Higher Education Studies (  




2023 Annual Report  

The 2023 Annual Report has been endorsed and is available for you to view on our website. 

arc_2023_8750_final.pdf ( We will also be presenting a summary of the report at the Expo and Futures Fair on Tuesday 23rd July, 



Clubs and Co-Curricula Activities 

In the May newsletter I mentioned that our clubs and activities are thriving at the College and students have formed some new clubs as well.  Here is a list of the clubs and activities that are running in term 3.  I encourage you to chat to your child about participating in some of these activities. 




As you would be aware, there is a teacher shortage and it has been a challenge this year to have all classes with a permanent teacher.   


We have a fantastic bank of Casual Relief Teachers (CRT) and a teaching team who has supported their colleagues and students by taking on extra classes, assessment and reporting.  


We have also planned for 2025 with two Pre-Service Teachers on our staff this year who will take up teaching roles next year at our school.  We have filled the Italian vacancy and the new teacher will start in term 3. We have had three other short-term teacher vacancies advertised for the past term to replace teachers on Family Leave and Long Service Leave. We have not been able to fill these vacancies.  Next term all of our classes will have teachers allocated to them to ensure curriculum delivery, consistency and predictability. At times, classes will have a CRT who will be delivering the curriculum prepared by the school. We are trying all avenues to employ teachers. We are doing well compared to other schools who are many teachers short.   


I would like to thank our teaching team and the support staff for all of their efforts to ensure our students have the best quality teaching and learning opportunities. 


Welcome to staff who have taken up the following positions next term 

Olie Balestra Italian 

Neo Stewart Classroom Support.  


Tuesday 23rd July – Early Finish for Expo and Futures Fair 


The School Council has approved an early finish day for students on this day.  Lessons will be shortened to 50 minutes and students will be dismissed at 2.10, so that the teachers and staff can prepare for the Expo and Futures Fair which will begin at 5.00pm. 


Term Break 

As we head into the term break I would like to wish everyone a safe and restful holiday.  Please take care and we will see you all back on Monday 15th July.