From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Student Absences and Being on Time

We know that children need to stay home for illnesses and appointments, and encourage all families to keep children home when they are unwell to avoid the spread of illness. Please help us by letting the school office know when your child is away for the day, and why. If you receive a text message from the school, please contact us to notify us of the reason your child is away. This is important for our government compliance responsibilities.

Even for children who are well, it can be a little bit cold in the mornings and tough to get out of bed in winter, however, punctual school attendance is important. There is real value in the few minutes in the morning prior to formal lesson time. Children have the opportunity to speak with their teachers and friends, and settle in for the day. Missing parts of the school day can add up quickly. Missing 10 minutes a day over the course of 13 years of schooling adds up to nearly 6 months. 30 minutes per day adds up to 18 months and one hour per day is the equivalent of 30 months of missed school. Every minute at school adds up, and we love to have your children here learning and socialising wherever possible.

Our Deputy Principal: Wellbeing Leader, Jess Robinson, has been regularly sharing links to Justin Coulson’s Happy Families articles. I highly recommend the recent article, Every Day Counts, to you.