Library News

Library News

Dear Parents,


Thanks for your support of Book Club this semester, I hope the children have enjoyed reading their new books! Book Club offers popular titles across a range of genres which can be conveniently purchased online and delivered to your child at school. Every purchase generates reward points for our school which we can then use to purchase more books and learning resources for our library and classrooms. 


Look out for a great new feature of Book Club with the introduction of a scannable QR code which provides access to additional content about the books, including information about the story, characters and creators. This is another way families can make positive reading choices to connect children with age appropriate books they will read and enjoy. 


All students have been encouraged to borrow books for the holidays. No need to return books until we’re back at school next term.

Library days:

Thursday Yrs 3 - 6

Friday Yrs P - 2

Please remind your child to bring a cloth library bag.


We’ve got lots of new titles waiting to hit the shelves and I’m always grateful for help with book covering. If you’re able to spare some time to take a small pile home (contact supplied), please send me an email or come by the library or office on a Thursday or Friday morning before/after school. 


Thanks and HAPPY READING 🙂


Vicki Dagher