Religious Education

Mini Vinnies Beanie and Blanket Drive
Please see the below letter we have received. Thank you to the many families who supported this great drive to reach out to those in need.
I would like to thank the families from St John Vianney’s School for their very generous donations of blankets for St Vincent de Paul.
I attended the Soup Van in Dandenong this week and took all the donated blankets, as well as some donated beanies and scarves, with me. Some were distributed that night and the rest will go out on the Soup Van over the next few weeks. They were very gratefully received by the people who come to the Soup Van for assistance. It meant that they were able to not only obtain some soup and warm food, they also went away with something that will help keep them warmer for much longer.
Thank you very much.
I have attached a couple of photos of the volunteers loading the blankets in the Soup Van for the nightly delivery run.
Three notices have been sent home with the Confirmation candidates this week detailing important dates and special tasks associated with Confirmation.
Please take the time to read these notices. They include -
Banner making
Letter writing
General information
All the year 6 students (including those not receiving Confirmation) received the Confirmation Reflection Day notice as they will ALL be participating in this day, and as such, we require all year 6 parents to provide a letter for their child.
All children are invited to attend and support their peers on Confirmation Day.
Dates for 2024
Confirmation: Sunday 4th August at 1 pm
First Reconciliation: Wednesday 6th November at midday