Student Wellbeing


Well done to the Vianney's Values award winners. You can see them on display at the front office. We are so proud of the example and effort you demonstrated to show integrity and respect. Keep shining - the world needs your light! 


Prep OHParker De CorradoParker consistently tries to assist people to make the classroom a better place.  
Prep COHarley SpencerFor always making safe and responsible choices in the classroom. You are always trying to do the right thing and set an amazing example to others. 
1/2  FP

River Ellen


River shows the value of integrity by being responsible and making good choices.  
1/2 KKXavier CasmiXavier has demonstrated the value of integrity by helping to solve a few tricky Football Card trading situations.  Well done for always doing the right thing Xavier.
3/4 LBRiver JepsonRiver is always kind towards his friends, follows class expectations and is a role model for all of the class. He always works hard and takes on feedback to challenge himself.
3/4 ELElroy BarryElroy is always taking down and packing up all the chairs and cleaning our classroom without being asked, every single day. You are a true role model Elroy, well done!
5/6 DCBailee MulcahyShe is a role model for her peers, showing honesty, responsibility, and kindness in all her actions. Bailee is always willing to help others.
5/6 HSFreya Beck

For consistently making the right choices and being an excellent role model.


Vianney's Values - Excellence

We have been focusing on the value of Excellence. The students have been learning about how we can show Excellence at school. We are learning the importance of always trying our best and having a growth mindset. 

As we explore this value we will be learning about fixed vs growth mindsets. This includes learning about the elastic brain and how the brain changes. We are learning that mistakes and challenges help us grow  and the power of YET and perseverance.  We would love for you to talk with your child and encourage having a growth mindset at home. 


Here are some strategies you can try at home to support your child to develop a growth mindset:

  • Find ways to keep situations positive and find a way to make a negative thought a positive one. 
  • Discuss goals your child has at home and at school.
  • Share your own goals with your child and how you plan to achieve them: both big and small. 
  • Thank you for your help in building these important skills. Your partnership will positively impact your child.