Kitchen Garden 

Grow, Harvest, Prepare, Share

Kitchen News 

Broad Beans & Celery

This week we have had lots of broad beans that were ready to harvest from our kitchen garden. The students enjoyed searching for broad beans that were ready to eat before we commenced our cooking class! 

In all classes this week we have used the broad beans to make a Bruschetta with Broad Beans, Parmesan and Herbs. To make the bruschetta, the students had to firstly pod the beans. We then placed them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes until they were just tender. The students then peeled the skins and used a mortar and pestle to grind the broad beans before transferring them to a bowl with the parmesan, olive oil, garlic and herbs. The final step was to spread this on the grilled bread. Most students were hesitant to try the bruschetta at first, but after the first bite they couldn't get enough! We love when students have a taste, even when they think they might not like what they are about to eat! 



Grade 5/6

The Grade 5/6 students used whatever vegetables they could find in our Kitchen Garden to create a Roast Vegetable Pasta. They harvested vegetables such as fennel, silverbeet, carrot and celery. They also added some fresh herbs such as parsley and rosemary. 


Grade 3/4

The Grade 3/4 students used the celery fresh from our Kitchen Garden to create a salad. It was delicious and very crunchy! They also used the celery along with some green apples to make a fresh juice! This was a lovely accompaniment to the celery salad and bruschetta!


The Prep students had lots of fun this week in the kitchen! They put their creative hats on to make 'Celery Critters'. The students used ingredients such as grapes, blueberries, apples and grape tomatoes to make little creatures. Check out the photos to see their wonderful creations! 


Happy Cooking everyone and you can find all of our recipes attached below.


Happy cooking everyone!

Jilda De Rango & Colleen Slattery

Kitchen Specialists


Garden News


We had a beautiful visitor in the garden today.

A very healthy blue tongue lizard roaming the garden eating our peas.  

We decided after admiring and holding her through lunchtime garden club we would release her back into our garden habitat. We are hoping she will come and visit again soon.


Our garden is blooming at the moment with an array of flowering flowers and flowering veggies.  Our Year3 /4 s created a feed garden bed. Planting lots of greens for our guinea pigs and rabbits to snack on.

Its also been a great week to talk about Recycling.  Our Sustainability Leaders captured all the ways we recycle in the garden and chatted to our classes about recycling in our classes.  Well Done. 



Happy Gardening.


Sandy Lindfield

Garden Specialist