This rotation we have mixed things up by extending the groups visiting the garden.  We have got extra bodies out there with our senior classes buddying up with the juniors and showing them how the garden works and all the amazing things you can do in it.  The students have started with a quiz and then moved onto some activities focusing on the animals, harvesting, growing and observing and creating.  The animal team have cleaned the guinea pig cages and swept old food out of the chicken coop.  The harvest team have been harvesting the garlic crop along with spinach, chard, chives and broccoli for the kitchen.  The grow team have been planting seedlings and adding compost to new garden beds and the observe and create team have been kept busy watering the garden. The fun had by all is highlighted in many of the photos below. 


In the kitchen we are turning Japanese! The students are making okonomiyaki which literally means as you like it and fried. This is a traditional recipe and is cooked at home by many Japanese families. Different parts of Japan have varying iconic ingredients, but the common factor is cabbage, finely chopped and incorporated into the batter. We did have some cabbages from the garden, and they were delightfully cute and delicious! The other essential ingredient is Japanese mayonnaise, the preferred brand from most Japanese households is Kewpie, which these days you can purchase at the supermarket. We were not able to source some of the ingredients as there seemed to be some delay on the supply chain that brings exotic ingredients to Ballarat, but in general the Fruit Shack in Wendouree, and also the Philipino run grocery store just down from it stock the specialty ingredients.  


We are also making hand rolled sushi, again in the homestyle way rather than what you get commercially. The students are making a lovely platter of fillings, including lettuce from the garden, cucumber, carrot, tuna and also some Japanese pickles, and customising their sushi according to what they feel like. Most kids are willing to try combos that are new and it has paid off as the chooks are hardly getting anything this week! 


Finally, our Japanese dessert is either omochi icecream with green tea wrappers, or green tea icecream. This is a hit with some, but the newness of the green tea combined with the sweetness of the vanilla is a bit too challenging for some. It is, however, fantastic to see everyone give it a try!  


In addition to our fortnightly rotation we also have some additional news. As a big thank you to all our volunteers we are hosting a ‘Volunteers Morning Tea’ in the kitchen on Monday 11th December at 11:30am. Please keep the date free. We are so grateful for time given by our volunteers as the program could not run as efficiently and effectively without you.  So, if you have helped out in either the kitchen or garden throughout the year we would love to see you there, or if you are thinking about volunteering in the future please pop along as it will be a great way to meet others and chat about what’s involved.


It is also approaching that time of the year where we are calling out for holiday destinations for our much loved guinea pigs Squeaks, Sparkles, Pearl, Amethyst, Piccolo and Sushi. We prefer to keep them in pairs and they will be sent in cages with plenty of food. They are very friendly as well as low maintenance and only ask to receive the occasional cuddle.  And if guineas are not your thing then maybe popping into the school to feed the chickens and check their water is more appealing. DASH will be able to do this when it resumes on the 8th January, but we need someone from the 20th December - 8th January. The reward for this job is the delicious eggs the chickens lay.


And lastly, please keep your eye out for our school Christmas raffle of which tickets will be available at the front office as well as being sent home with the eldest sibling of the family.  This year we have an amazing Gingerbread House kindly made and donated by one of our star volunteers, Dawn. Along with several plants, hampers and vouchers. Tickets will be $1 and the raffle will be drawn at our final school assembly. If you want to win it you need to be in it, so jump on board and get your tickets!