Over the past few weeks, students have been focussed on two very specific tasks; for the junior and middle students, they have tapped into their knowledge of Australian artist Ken Done, and his representations of famous Australian landmarks including the Great Barrier Reef and Sydney Harbour. They have used a range of mediums including chalk, oil pastels, watercolours and crayons to create their various masterpieces.


Our senior students have been busy creating and most recently finishing, the graduation portraits. These portraits are a much-loved tradition here at Delacombe and are another example of what makes our school so special; there is heart and soul in all that we do!


Our focus has now turned to using common, everyday items, to assist us in creating artwork. Students have used these items as tracing objects to create a design of their choosing and have absolutely loved doing so! Eli, in Grade 2A, proudly beamed, as he proclaimed, “this is the best thing I have ever created!”. Art doesn’t have to be complicated, you don’t need a cupboard full of resources, just a willingness to have a go and believe in yourself!


Take care everyone,

Mrs. S