Book Fair
It has been another successful Book Fair for St Agnes’ this year. It is wonderful how all of our community gets behind school events and I am so pleased to announce we have done it again. Through this initiative, St Agnes’ has ended up with $1250 to go towards new books for our library. This is a fantastic effort for a small school and I am very proud of us all. I would like to thank all the parents and guardians who came and supported this event. We can’t run events like this without having such a supportive community group. I would also like to thank the Library Captains, Bridget and Hudson, for all their support with the running of the Book Fair.
This year’s colouring competition for the Book Fair was won by :
Junior - Paddy M
Middle - Alex P
Senior - Arabella S
Each student received a $20 voucher to spend at the fair. Congratulations to all winners.
Sophie Cox also won the Lolly Jar competition with a guess of 169. Congratulations to Sophie!!
Please note it is also the time of the year for all students to please bring back any borrowed library books. Overdue notices were sent home last week.
If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact Lynn Miller on