Learning and Teaching in 3/4G

Taskworks Incursion

The 3/4 level recently participated in the Taskworks incursion about Forces. 

Here are a few highlights of the day...


Amelia: We did lots of activities involving the forces push, pull, gravity and friction. All the activities involved forces, but many involved disassembling, reassembling, problem solving, but, most importantly, fun! The train activity required lots of teamwork from us, and my group did this surprisingly well. It involved lots of turning bolts and carrying metal. The first thing to come off and the last thing to go on were the wheels. I know my group worked well because everyone got a turn and we finished the activity quickly.


Olivia: The Dropper was a machine that had two chairs on each side and two people would sit on each chair. Two people used a level to go up and down to make the chair go higher. I thought it was an amazing invention, it taught me how the force of  pushing and pulling can lift the chairs. 



Eli: There was a wheel on a platform with metal railing around it. It spun around when you stood on it and you could use the metal railings to push you around. We had the challenge of guessing what was underneath the wheel that was allowing the wheel to move. The answer was golf balls!


Jordan: I liked disassembling “The Creature” and reassembling in our own design. We had to work as a team to take off the heavy parts like the arms and the head. Once you were finished disassembling, we assembled it in a different way to the original.



Jayden: “The Gravity Beater” was fun. I got the bell to ding. I got to choose between a light and a heavy hammer. There was a lever on the bottom where I had to hit in the right spot to get the metal circle. It was easy to hit the bell with the heavier hammer but harder with the lighter one. The bell made a loud noise which meant that you beat gravity.



Welcome Nicky!

Nicky has joined 3/4G for a couple of days a week this term. 

He wanted to share his thoughts about the school.


Nicky: I like this school because it’s nice and good and it has lots of work that I like. I have learned lots and lots of things. I love meeting new people. I can help people and I don’t get hurt and I can hug people in any way. I love my teachers and I love the principal. I love everyone who is in this school.