From Our School Captains

Each year one of the highlights of our Graduating Year 6s is to contribute to our Year Book, you may have seen last year's book which is in the foyer. It is one of the good things to come out of our COVID lockdown times, when were trying to enhance graduation within limitations! Each Year 6 child creates two pages to reflect on their time at COHR. Teachers contribute a letter to their classes and our School Captains write a piece to their fellow graduates. I always enjoy reading the Captains' view of their seven years and I thought you might like to see too, what are their highlights.



Jo Cowan


Dear Class of 2023,

Congratulations for making it through 7 years of Primary school. Thinking back to prep we never would have thought we would make it this far. The journey from prep to year 6 has been an exhilarating experience. From the school fetes to sports day. Together at COHR we have made many memories together and have grown both as a people and friends. We have also grown spiritually celebrating in our Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. 


  Throughout our 7 years of primary school we have made some amazing friendships and memories that are going to last us a lifetime. We also have special milestones that we have completed together such as going to camp for the first time and taking part in our first concert. As well as this we have also been on many different excursions and have been able to experience competitions such as Gala days and school athletics.


We have been through a lot throughout Primary school, even surviving the Covid- 19 pandemic. We had to be resilient as we had to transfer from the classrooms to homeschooling. In Year three and four, we even had to adapt to wearing masks to school, to avoid getting sick. 


Congratulations 2023 graduates, 7 years later and we are finally here. At the end of our primary school journey. We would like to thank all the teachers, staff, parents and families for making these 7 years truly unforgettable. These people have supported us and guided us throughout our school journey. They have taught us many valuable lessons that will be with us for the rest of our lives. Good luck on your journey into secondary school, we wish you all the best. 


From your School Captains of 2023, 

Alex and Miette