School Council President Report

Mel Rantall

My name is Mel and I am the current School Council President for Park Ridge Primary School.  Being a part of Park Ridge’s School Council is an excellent way to build a genuine understanding of how our school operates. It has given me insight into the finances, resourcing, policies, building/grounds and the decisions about how to best allocate school resources to ensure our kids get the best education possible. 


What an incredible year it has been. Throughout 2023, Park Ridge Primary School students have continued to display school values and demonstrate their, courage, resilience continued to learn, develop and thrive. From free dress days to school camps, incursions, excursions, footy parades, Easter raffles, Park Ridges very first whole school concert, colour runs, Christmas concerts plus many more wonderful activities that Park Ridge has provided throughout the year for the students to experience and participate in. 


Thank you, to all the incredible talented teachers, educators, administration staff and leadership team at Park Ridge Primary School. We see the amazing opportunities you provide for our children and thank each and every one of you. A huge shout out to Catherine our PCA President and our other Parent Committee Association (PCA) members, thank you. You're so appreciated, and we can’t thank you enough for your time, support and energy. Thank you to all other parents, grandparents and carers that have also supported and contributed throughout 2023 to the wonderful Park Ridge Primary School. “It takes a village”.   


Next time you see a request looking for new members to join our school council please don’t hesitate to contact the front office or myself about what’s involved as a school council member or the Parent Committee Association (PCA) member. 


As the days get warmer but seem to feel a little longer, we know we are approaching the summer holiday and Christmas season. Our beautiful children are full of energy and excitement, this time of year and it always seems to have a special feeling.

Wishing our entire School Community, all the very best for the remainder of 2023 and into 2024 and a very Merry Christmas.


Warm regards,

Mel Rantall

Park Ridge School Council President 2023