Principal's Desk

Dale Blythman

With just under three weeks left of the 2023 school year (where has the time gone?!) we are in the throes of preparing for 2024 whilst still ensuring we maintain High Expectations until the end of the schooling year.

Last Wednesday we had our 2024 Foundation Information Evening. Next year we will have four foundation classes with 79 student enrolments - reports show we are only 1 of 2 schools with higher overall student numbers in 2024. This just shows the quality of education we provide here at our great school!

Our Foundation team for 2024 consists of:

  • Miss Georgia Lofthouse (Learning Leader)
  • Miss Caitlin Coad
  • Miss Hannah Shepherd 
  • Mrs Sarah Ryle

This hand-picked team for 2024 is the best mix of the capabilities, knowledge, passion, commitment, and experience, that will benefit the students who begin their formal school journey with us here at Park Ridge Primary School. 

Our Transition Process

On Tuesday and Wednesday of the second last week of school, students will begin their transition experiences in their new Year level. The two sessions will take place in Week 11 where the students will meet their new class teacher for 2024. It is important to recognise that we all handle change in different ways; this is why talking up the positives of entering a new grade level with your child is vital to supporting a smooth transition. Classes are currently being formed and are in the final stages.

Onsite Supervision

A friendly reminder for safety:

We ask that students are not left unattended in the school grounds before 8:30am on school mornings or after 3:30pm after school as there is no supervision available for your child/ren.


Team Kids is available each morning from 7.00am -8.30am and in the afternoon from 3:15pm – 6:00pm. For more information, please go to or phone 1300 035 000.


End of Year Dismissal

As we finish the 2023 school year on Wednesday 20 December, we will dismiss the students at 1:15pm. This will mean there will be a slight change to the normal day, with our Year 6 students being farewelled from the podium area in the afternoon, similar to last year. More information will be made available in due course.


For the Diary - 2024 (Repeat)

Next year school begins for students in Years 1-6 on Wednesday, 31 January.


At present, the Department allows for four Curriculum Days and one common Professional Practice Day for the year where no students are required onsite. The first Curriculum Days for 2024 are on Monday, 29 January and Tuesday, 30 January. Students are not required onsite during these two dates. Therefore, as mentioned above Term 1, 2024 for students in Year 1-6 will begin on Wednesday, 31 January.


The 2024 Foundation students will spend the first three days of the school year (31 January - 2 February) undertaking mandatory testing for both Literacy and Numeracy. Their first 'official' school day is Monday, 5 February.


Please mark these relevant dates in your diary.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Please feel free to pop in for a chat with either Carrie, Brendan or I, should you wish to discuss anything. 


Our doors are always open! 


Take care,

Mr. Dale Blythman