What's Happening in Primary

News and Information from Primary

Ready Set Rescue News with Year 5/6

On Monday 13th November, a thrilled group of Year 5/6 students set off from Devonport Christian School to go on a magnificent, one week excursion to the Mersey Bluff. The 5/6’s were split into three different groups according to their classes. One group was The Dolphins, another group was The Sharks and the other one was The Crabs. 


“Today we learnt how to wade, board and we played flags. The first time we did flags we were running up the beach for the fourth time I dived for a flag and so did Bronte and she rolled and squashed me and in the end my hand was sore,” said Leah on the first day of Surf Life Saving. 


“This morning we dolphin dived into hoops and swam up through the hoops. One of the coaches was sick so instead of doing a normal land activity we went on the pathway to the lighthouse and on the way we saw memorials,” said Emily on the second day. “I liked the pool noodles, the boards, jumping over the waves and the activities that you had to do in the water and I finally didn’t fall off the board. But I accidentally whacked Ruby in the head with my board because of all those waves,” explained Jasmine on the next day. 


“At the moment we got put in partners and had turns rescuing each other boarding. Yesterday while I was rescuing Jasmine my partner she bonked me in the head with her board and then I had a big bump on my head from the board,” moaned Ruby.


“This morning we played tennis ball flags, the board relays and tube relays. I was on a team with Misha and Ryan and we won three rounds. The best part was when I got a tennis ball and when I came back to school and I got a chocolate frog,” said Molly on the last day.


Sanudi - Year 6

Primary Assemblies

As a school we are always excited to welcome families to our Primary Assemblies each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please be advised of some happenings at assemblies over the coming weeks:


Tuesday 12th December: Academic & Sports Assembly

On Tuesday 12th December from 8.30am in the JILOA Centre, we will be holding our annual Academic & Sports Assembly.


We will be presenting the subject awards for each level for 2023.


We will also be presenting certificates to all students who have participated in a team sport this year, including: basketball, netball, soccer and touch footy.


We warmly invite all team coaches, family and friends to attend this assembly.

Primary End of Term Events:

As the end of term starts to draw near we have some wonderful opportunities for you to join us to celebrate together as a community:


Wednesday 6th December (tonight) - Celebration Service

DCS Whole School Community will gather at the Devonport paranaple centre to celebrate a wonderful 2023.


DCS Community Picnic from 5pm in Market Square.


Tuesday 12th December  - Primary Sports and Academic Awards Assembly

Join us in the Jiloa Centre from 8:30am - 9:45am to celebrate student achievements for the year.


Water fun and celebrations!

Monday 11th December Splash Celebration Day - Parent Volunteers Required

Year 1 to 6 students will be walking to Splash Aquatic Centre for water activities, swim carnival fun and a picnic.  Parents are welcome to join us for the day. Please see Schoolbox for further information and to complete the consent form.


We are still needing parent volunteers to assist on the day at Splash.  If you are available and have completed our ‘Working With Our DCS Children’ course this year and have a valid WWVP card, please contact the school office.


Our Kinder and Prep students will be holding their very own fun-filled water play days onsite at school. 

Upcoming Dates: