
From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Celebrate Jesus this Christmas!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.

Isaiah 9:6-7


I love Christmas time! I love it because whether people know it or not, they are all entering places that are celebrating Christ's birth, our Lord's! Instead of seeing Christmas negatively as a rushed, busy, hectic season, we need to be promoters of Jesus being born and the real reason for Christmas. A time to serve others, a time to love, a time to celebrate. It is a time to tell others about Jesus. After all it is our Lord Jesus who they are remembering. This is the time we can openly say, 'Merry Christmas - Christ came to earth to bring love and joy!' or 'I pray, you will have a blessed time with family and friends on Christmas day, remembering Jesus' birth.' or 'May you know His love this Christmas season.'  Christ is our Lord and we should celebrate and share this news with others. In our world today, many people are needing the news of hope and have His love shared with them. It is my prayer that over this season, you can make new memories and traditions with your family. But also that you are able to demonstrate to your children how they can show His love to others. Giving His love away to others, is a wonderful way to allow our children to see the blessing of Christmas. Jesus is love!

I wish to take this opportunity to thank each of you for another year partnering with DCS. It has been another wonderful year and one that we know is only possible by keeping our eyes focused on Him.  I leave you with the words in Numbers 6:


The Lord bless you, and keep you:

The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you:

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.


Shalom, see you in 2024!


We have an opportunity to bless others this Christmas joining with Devonport Churches:


Our aim this Christmas: To have the Devonport Churches unite in serving our city, by offering peace, joy and random acts of kindness during the busy week of Christmas.


We are hoping to have up to 150 volunteers for the Christmas blitz!  Volunteers will all need to register and provide their current ‘Working With Vulnerable People’ card.  A clearly identifiable ‘Here to Serve’ vest must be worn while serving. These will be provided.


Further details will be provided to those who express interest.




Gift Wrapping:

Free gift wrapping will be offered in the Rooke Street Mall and outside Kmart on alternate days.


There will be up to 3 sessions a day:

  • 11am – 1pm (2hrs)
  • 1pm – 3pm (2hrs)
  • 3pm – 5:15pm (2hrs 30mins – this could include pack up and drop off of equipment)

If you wish to serve at the gift wrapping stations, you will require a reasonable standard of wrapping skill to manage gifts of all shapes and sizes!


Random Acts of Kindness:

Other ways of blessing include (but are not excluded to) –

  • Assisting people by offering to take their shopping to their cars (all supermarkets/carparks)
  • Clean up rubbish around the city
  • Give a card with a kind message (provided)
  • Bless people with Christmas treats (provided)
  • Take the time to say hello, wish a Merry Christmas, and simply smile to those around you

The registration form has a morning and afternoon option, so we can ensure the City is covered at all times during the campaign.


Gift of Caring:

To bless staff in their workplace, by taking their drink orders, collecting their drinks from the local cafes, and giving a hand with anything they need.

We will have limited drink vouchers available from various cafes.

A friendly smile, a sensitivity to the busy work place, and a happy disposition will be required!

The registration form has a morning and afternoon option, so we can ensure the City is covered at all times during the campaign.


Devonport Christmas Carols 

This Sunday evening: 

Some of the cast from DCS Primary Aladdin Jr are performing at the Devonport Christmas Carols! Come and support them! Let's give them the LOUDEST CHEER!

LEGO League Volunteers

Here is an opportunity to support our two DCS Lego League teams and others on the North West Coast by helping out and volunteering on Saturday 16th December at the Lego League Nationals South at Leighland Christian School, Ulverstone.


The event happens because of many volunteers and we can show visitors from other states the hospitality of the North West Coast.


Ready to make an impact! Join us for our National Championship events around Australia.

FIRST LEGO League National Championship South in Tasmania on 16 December at Leighland Christian School, Ulverstone.


Email Daniela Righi for more information: Daniela.Righi@mq.edu.au 

or visit: https://firstaustralia.org/volunteer/


T-shirt, training, food and parking provided! Contact us today!


Chad Smit  |  Principal