Activities Weeks

Climbing. Bouncing. Bowling. Creating. Movie-ing & FunFIelds-ing

Our Activity Week was super exciting! Kids from year 7 to 10 had a blast together. Some finished their school year early, while others stayed till the very end. We did loads of cool stuff!

We climbed rock walls, jumped around on trampoline and foam filled pits, and got super creative with art projects and ate our way through BBQs and Gingerbread houses. It was awesome to see everyone's talents and ideas.

We also went to the movies and had a blast at Funfields. We had so much fun, and everyone looked out for each other. The teachers said our students were the best—they were really caring and responsible.

We're super proud of our students. They were amazing throughout the weeks, making every moment special. They were great friends, always kind, and super excited about everything. We're really proud and happy about how awesome they a!