Student Wellbeing

Managing End of Year Emotions 


We believe that every child is on a unique learning journey, one that encompasses both cognitive and emotional growth. It's crucial to remember that this path is different for each child at any given moment. At Greenhills, we are dedicated to fostering emotional growth in our students because we recognise that learning cannot take place unless a child feels emotionally safe and regulated. This emotional safety is deeply connected to a child's ability to identify and communicate their feelings, which we refer to as "emotional literacy."  This year we have embraced the zones of regulation. As we near the end of the school year and prepare to transition into the next year level, it is essential to acknowledge that emotions can run high.

Understanding Emotions

An important layer to managing emotions is the understanding that emotions can cause particular sensations in our bodies. Our nervous system is complex, and we acknowledge that negative feelings, such as anger, sadness, nervousness, and even anxiety, serve as important signals that keep us safe and aware of potential problems and risks. It's perfectly normal to experience these emotions. What is important is understanding these emotions and using our self-regulation tools. 

End of Year Fatigue

As we approach the end of the school year, it's common for students to feel a bit weary.  The excitement of the upcoming break may be mixed with fatigue and even anxiety about transitions to new grades or a new school. This is a perfect time for families to take the opportunity to bolster their children's emotional well-being.  Encourage open communication by creating a safe space for them to share their feelings and concerns and remind them that it's okay to feel tired or anxious. It's a great time to establish healthy routines and prioritise self-care, ensuring they get enough sleep, maintain a balanced diet, and engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate their minds. Recognizing and addressing these end-of-year sentiments empowers families to play a pivotal role in enhancing their child's emotional regulation, leading to a smoother transition in these final weeks of school.


At Greenhills, we understand the connection between emotional and academic growth. We believe that there are no "bad" emotions; we simply need to learn how to identify and manage them before they take control of us. As we approach the end of the school year and witness the onset of end-of-year fatigue, it becomes even more crucial to acknowledge and address these feelings.   We invite you to actively participate in supporting your child's emotional development by reinforcing the idea that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.  Additionally, encourage them to listen to their bodies, helping them to proactively employ strategies and tools from their personal 'zones toolbox' to navigate emotions to be in the 'green zone.’.


It's our commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment where students can develop their emotional literacy and grow academically and emotionally.



Janine Hough -

Brad Ryan -


Janine and Brad.