Level 3 & 4 Wonga Weekly

Week 11, Term 4


We have loved learning with your children this year and we cannot believe the year is fast coming to an end. 


Thank you for all the support you have shown us in Level Three & Four in 2023. From cooking in the kitchen, to cleaning up in the garden, from assisting with athletics to jumping on a bus to support our swimming program, from supporting your child to complete their homework to helping them pack their bag for camp! Your help has been greatly appreciated by us all.


We hope you have a very happy Christmas and a restful and safe summer break sharing time with family and friends.


Learning focus - 

This week our learning time will be modified to an alternative timetable. We will continue our Literacy and Numeracy learning focuses with a Christmas theme. We will also be completing Christmas crafts during the week.


CBL challenge - 'Scientific Showcase'

Our Grade 3 and 4 'Scientific Showcase' is scheduled to take place on Tuesday the 12th of December from 2.45-3.10pm in the Grade 3 and 4 classrooms. We hope you can join us in our classrooms for this special celebration, showcasing our learning in Science this term. 


Celebrating our great year -  'Super Fun Times'  

To celebrate a brilliant year, we have planned for a 'Super Fun Time' to be had with all in our Level Three & Four learning community. This will take place on Monday 18th of December.

The cost for this day will be $12, inclusive of lunch and activities. An email was sent out to families last week with all the details, including the Try Booking link that you can use to make payment and order a special lunch for you child.  Orders must be completed by Thursday 14th December at 3pm.  Further details can be found on the flyer attached. 

We are really excited to finish our year together with this day full of fun!


Upcoming Dates - 

Monday 11th until Thursday 14th December - 'Expressions' programs running for spme students

Tuesday 12th December - L3&4 CBL Challenge Day; 'Scientific Showcase' from 2.45pm

Monday 18th December - Super Fun Times, end of year celebration day for L3&4 students  held onsite

Wednesday 20th December - last day of the year (early dismissal - 1:30pm)