Level 1 & 2 Wonga Weekly

Week 11, Term 4

The end of an adventure...

It is hard to believe that the school year is coming to an end!


We have all loved learning with your children this year and sharing in many new experiences with them.


We are so very grateful for all the assistance you have given us during the year and working with us to support your child.


To our helpers who assisted at gymnastics and swimming, our classroom helpers during literacy groups, those who braved the zoo or cooking for the "ONEderful Day." To those who supported their child to complete their reading homework and got them to school every morning ready to learn,  we have appreciated all your support.


We hope you have a very happy Christmas and a restful and safe summer break sharing time with family and friends. We look forward to seeing you all back at school at the start of the 2024 school year!


Learning focus - 

This week our learning time will be modified to an alternative timetable. We will continue our Literacy and Numeracy learning focuses with a Christmas theme. We will also be completing Christmas crafts during the week.


CBL - Sharing our school with our Grandparents'

On Tuesday 12th of December, our students are looking forward to welcoming our Grandparents to school. Please note the change of date, made due to other school events occurring.


Our students will meet their special visitors at the top gate at 9:30am and escort them to a place in the school they will sing their special Christmas songs. They will then take their grandparent back to the classroom where they will play games and make something together.


We ask that our students bring a special morning tea they can share with their own grandparents. Food will not be shared with the whole classroom community.

The morning will conclude at 10:45am.


Please make sure your child brings their charged iPad to school!


We look forward to a special morning together, learning and comparing about our own times at school.


Grade One and Two Camp Experiences

We are very proud of our Grade One and Two students and their behaviours and willingness to try new things during both these programs over the past week. We hope that your child has shared many happy stories of their day!


Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday 12th December - Grandparents Morning.

Wednesday 20th December - last day of the year (early dismissal - 1:30pm)