Catholic Identity


The new church year, called the Liturgical Year, began last Sunday with the first week of Advent.   This year's church theme is 'We are not alone' and reminds us that God is always with us. 


The celebration of Advent takes place on the four Sundays prior to Christmas and follows four weekly themes of hope, peace, joy and love and ends on Christmas Eve.  Each church will now have an Advent Wreath located near the Altar.  Traditionally, the Advent wreath is a circle of evergreen branches with three purple and one pink candle. 


The second purple candle is called the “Candle of Peace” and will be lit at Mass next Sunday.  During the second week of Advent, we reflect on our lives and orient ourselves toward Christ's coming, preparing our hearts to receive Him anew at Christmas


At school we gather each day during Advent to say a special prayer.  Families may like to gather around their own wreath and say the Advent Prayer below  together:  


Dear Jesus, 
As we light the candles on this Advent wreath 
May the light of your presence bring joy to our hearts 
Bless our family and our friends 
And be with all those who are in need this holiday season



Fr  Albert,  Fr Hu,  Fr Anton and Deacon William, look forward to seeing everyone over the Christmas period.   Below are the Parish Mass times for Christmas 2023: