Health and Physical Education

The year is flying! The students are doing lots of different things in Health and PE during Term 4.
Year 7s are focusing on positive relationships in Health, completing lots of class activities and competitions on emotions, friendships and different families. Students have been participating in a large variety of minor games in PE. This is in preparation for their upcoming CAT where students, in small groups, are to design and run a game for their peers to participate in. Students have class time to plan and prepare this game and are looking forward to running these new games.
Year 8 students have been participating in traditional and non-traditional sports during PE classes. The students have enjoyed competitions in cricket, bocce and hockey so far with more to come.
Year 9 student are studying strategies and tactics in games. The students are completing sports that students are familiar with and have played often and are focusing on the tactics involved in these games.
Throughout the junior HPE electives students have been involved in a variety of activities outside of the school including walks to Queens Park, lawn bowls, scavenger hunts, bike rides and walks to Donnelly's Weir and surroundings.